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Grow Wild with Katy Bowman


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This is episode 65 and today I’m here with Katy Bowman talking about the role of movement in growing wild.

Bestselling author, speaker, and a leader in the Movement movement, biomechanist Katy Bowman is changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. Her nine books, including the groundbreaking Move Your DNA, have been translated into more than a dozen languages worldwide. Her movement education company, Nutritious Movement, is based in Washington State, where she lives with her family. Learn more at

Adventure of the Week

I share our Hackschool adventure at a wind and solar farm for a renewable energy tour from our local power company.

Our Little Obsession

My little obsession right now is my Pact loungewear.


Stacking: She explains her approach to fulfilling multiple needs at the same time and shares an example from her family life.

Culture: We discuss how culture impacts movement.

Clothing: She gives recommendations for what we should look for in clothing and shoes.

Cooking: She shares what changes we can make to how we eat that can stack the meeting of more needs.

Home: She gives recommendations for making our homes more movement friendly.

Learning: She shares what educational path or environment she has chosen with or for her children and how she came to that decision.

Activities: She explains how a variety of movement is important to health.

Alloparents: She speaks to what that word means and offers tips for how we can create the communities we need.

Dive Deeper

Disclosure: When I recommend a product that I believe will add value for you, it may contain an affiliate link, and when you click the link to make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Nutritious Movement

Grow Wild

Bucket System

Minimalist Wardrobe

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  1. Michelle R says:

    Aack! I love Katy Bowman! I have been doing a “Bowman Deep Dive” these last few months and reading all her work. I never thought natural homeschooling would lead me to reconsider exercise, footwear, and being outside, but in Katy’s work it all comes together! Can’t wait to listen.

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I work from an island in the Pacific Northwest, where I live wild and free in connection with my hilarious husband and three growing sailors in our fixer upper on the beach. I authentically live this healing work out loud raising my own neurodivergent family (inner child included) and draw on my decades of education and experience (I've done all the nerdy work so you don't have to) to guide a revolution of overwhelmed parents just like you to feeling at peace within yourself, consciously connected with your children, embraced by a supportive community, and enjoying a values-aligned life you love.

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