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I come alongside overwhelmed parents and offer another way—parents like you who hear the call of "gentle, natural, simple," but have lost their way in the noise of unmet needs and mainstream advice. You'll heal, learn, and practice, shifting onto a path where you’ll feel at peace within yourself, consciously connected with your children, embraced by a supportive community, and enjoying a values-aligned life you love.

Become the parent you want to be and live the family life of your dreams


Sage family

"I'm so tired of feeling overwhelmed by my home, my calendar, my people, and money. How can I be present when I'm being crushed by my life's clutter?!"

"I love the idea of homeschooling. I'm in, but I'm also stuck. I'm fighting with my kid, feeling stressed out, and my mother-in-law says he'll never get into college. Help!"

"We're so attuned and I'm committed to meeting nighttime needs but is it possible to die of exhaustion?"

"I'm so lost. My kid's emotions are SO BIG and I keep losing it. I want to be a gentle parent but I can't figure out how to apply it to the hard moments."

Ever had the thought ...


But I don't mind the side-eye anymore because what all those well-intentioned mainstream folks now see is that

Especially when the goal is to live a meaningful life in peaceful connection with our people, and to raise children who can do the same.

This approach works.

When all the books and pediatricians were saying to let babies Cry-It Out, I was inviting tired mothers to co-sleep and night nurse in ways that honored their need for restful sleep too . . .

When schools were trying to pound kids into standardized molds, I was inviting families to embrace each child's natural learning journey within an experience-rich lifestyle . . .

When our consumerism was shouting to buy the way out of overwhelm, I was was helping people feel more free with less . . .

When my fellow therapists were urging clients to fight and outrun feelings like anxiety, I was inviting clients to make friends with them.

Whatever season of parenting you are in, the struggle is real. For those of us committed to walking a gentle parenting path that honors our children's natural ways of being, we can feel even more alone.

I know I did when all my colleagues were prescribing control-based time-outs and behavior charts while I was inviting parents to connect, find the true needs, hold space for feelings, and collaborate proactive solutions . . .

I can help...


"Rachel met me exactly where I was at. With no judgment, she came alongside me as a friend and ally, gently guiding me to a place of deeper connection with my kid, greater self-awareness, and more confidence as a mom. The coaching was life-changing. I see the money spent as the the best investment I've ever made in my family."

The best investment I've ever made in my family.

We'll explore your triggers, establish a practice to expand your emotional mindfulness, and integrate an honoring of your needs into the family culture.


I'll help you discover why your child is unable to meet your expectations and equip you with a proactive and collaborative approach to better support their challenges while honoring their natural way of being.

Challenging Behavior

I'll walk you through what is happening within your child when big feelings take over and equip you with simple steps for responding gently and effectively.

Big Feelings

Then we'll build a rhythm for your family to flow through that incorporates everyone's needs.


The home environment has a profound impact on children and their mood and behavior so we'll create a playscape that sets them up for success.


First, we'll establish your family's values and create a plan moving forward based on them.



Then we'll cover handling input and pressure (from others and your own inner critic).

Handling Pressure

After that, I'll walk you through micro-adventure planning through collaboration, incorporating socialization.


Next we'll build in touchstones for a daily through yearly rhythm. 


We'll then focus on the home learning environment, including materials, curriculum, and invitations.


We'll begin by setting you up to meet the legal requirements for homeschooling in your state (forms, testing, work samples, enrollment, etc.).



If needed (though not at all required), I can support you through a loving process of night weaning your toddler, providing a plan with specifics for your family to facilitate this transition without trauma.


Finally, we go over the plan for meeting your little one's awakenings in ways that allow for better sleep for everyone and I'll continue to support you as you implement and we adjust.


We'll create a daily through bedtime routine that proactively meets everyone's needs.


Then we will dive into creating a sleepscape that will foster both connection and independence, taking into account all of the senses.


Next we will cover the "where" of sleep, creatively tailoring the specifics to your unique family's needs and your long-term goals, including safe sleep (reducing the risk of SIDS and your anxiety).


Addressing your expectations for your child and sleep is a critical first step, as your sleep baggage can sabotage your progress.



I'll provide you with a plan to declutter and organize your home environment step-by-step, based on photos you will email me.


We'll explore your money story and I'll walk you through the setup of a simple yet personal financial plan.


We'll integrate wellness practices (based on your needs) into the allocation of your time, money, and energy.


Then we'll simplify your calendar to balance priority practices with open space.


We'll adjust the boundaries, communication, and energy flow within your relationships, including parenting.


First, we'll set your family's values compass to guide the priorities of our collaboration.



The Sage Family Village is the like-minded community you crave, complete with organic discussion and support, expert interviews and tutorials, and live monthly group coaching that feels like gathering around a bonfire with your chosen family.

As a bonus you get your first month of membership in the Village FREE.

The Village

Plus a bonus!

  • Better understand your child's needs.

  • Enhance your connection.

  • Respond gently and effectively to big feeling and challenging behaviors.

  • Hold space for self-care.

  • Simplify your home and life.

  • Align your lifestyle with your values

The Benefits

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1 50-minute
video call session

- Debbie

"I just wanted to let you know that our previous coaching work together continues to steer me like the north star when I find myself getting knocked off the path. This past week was an especially difficult one and, in the midst of struggle and deep emotional work, I thought to myself ‘what would Rachel say?’ I heard your voice as though you were sitting across from me, and I’m pretty sure my guess was close to how you would have responded in real life :) You inspire me so much to show up, do the work, be brave in the face of naysayers and boldly protect the values I hold so dear in nurturing my beautiful, messy family."

Our previous coaching work continues to steer me like the North Star.

- Vanessa

"She really is an oracle. Many of us are questioning the status quo and breaking legacy beliefs, illusional hierarchy and social norms. Rachel seemed to have navigated those rapids and rough currents and come up with beautiful and true answers that not only feel right but fill us with courage and inspiration. Thank you Rachel so much for showing up with so much gracious wisdom and leading the way for a much healthier and joyful way of parenting and living."

The experience I had with Rachel can only be described as life changing.

Real results:

I work from an island in the Pacific Northwest, where I live wild and free in connection with my hilarious husband and three growing sailors in our fixer upper on the beach. I authentically live this healing work out loud raising my own neurodivergent family (inner child included) and draw on my decades of education and experience (I've done all the nerdy work so you don't have to) to guide a revolution of overwhelmed parents just like you to feeling at peace within yourself, consciously connected with your children, embraced by a supportive community, and enjoying a values-aligned life you love.

Gentle parenting, natural homeschooling, & simple living mentor

I'm Rachel Rainbolt

Hi friend,

Read my story →

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Future you is so grateful you stopped struggling through this alone and said yes to the help that made all the difference.

Let's do this!

Yes. My family is brimming with beautiful neurodiversities and a great many families who do coaching have at least one neurodivergent member, because parenting kids with a high level of need invites a higher level of parenting. 


We don't offer a payment plan but you can create one yourself by setting aside the monthly payment you can afford and booking coaching once you reach the full amount. If the investment is currently beyond your reach, I suggest joining the Sage Family Village, where you can get group support at a lower price point.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Parenting, homeschooling, sleep, minimalism . . . anything and everything you need support with is where we will go. 


Coaching is not therapy. While my education and training are in marital and family therapy, practicing as a coach allows me to connect with clients all around the world while the therapy I offer is only accessible to those in Washington state. Our work is free to flow into whatever spaces need tending, which can include everything from deep emotional work to practical parenting and lifestyle shifts.

Is this THERAPY?

Yes, both parents are welcome though two parents are not required. It's okay to take this time and space for yourself and the work you're ready to do. It can also be beneficial for parents to come together over this work.


Frequently asked questions

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The Sage Family Village is the like-minded community you crave, complete with organic discussion and support, expert interviews and tutorials, and live monthly group coaching that feels like gathering around a bonfire with your chosen family.

The Village

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Get 30 hacks that will provide a daily challenge to unlock some easy fun for your family on the natural homeschooling path.

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