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Sleep with Melissa Lang Lytle


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Today I’m here with my friend Melissa Lang Lytle talking about sleep.

I would consider myself to be a bit of a late bloomer and care deeply about finding ways to be more connected to both the physical and spiritual world. I’m a mama of three children and married to my best friend for almost 18 years! I gravitate towards people and ideas that cultivate authenticity, vulnerability, and groundedness.

Adventure of the Week

I share the fun we had on my mom’s visit when we went to an RV show, kayaking on the Sound, and NW Trek.


Baggage: We discuss a lot of the baggage and common misconceptions around sleep.

Geography: We share the sleep arrangements we have found most restful.

Sleepscape: I go over the details that can harness the power of the environment in promoting better sleep.

Routine: We cover some key components of the daily and evening routine.

Neglect: We touch on how research supports an evolutionary approach to sleep.


We tackle the question of how we handle sleep while traveling.

Dive Deeper

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Put Cry It Out to Bed

Sage Sleep

The Gentle Sleep Book 

James McKenna

Evolutionary Parenting

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  1. Kiersten Campbell says:

    Hi Rachel, I listened to the podcast episode on Sleep and I loved it. It made me feel calmer about allowing my baby to cosleep with me. My biggest concern , and I apologize if this is too intimate of a question, is connecting intimately with my husband when we are sharing a bed with a little one. How did you and your husband work with that?

  2. Kenzie says:

    I don’t know where to go about this! My two month old has always slept in a sidecar that’s open to my side of the bed, he’s never had trouble with that arrangement (exclusively breastfed).. for the last couple weeks he’s slept through the night a lot. My intention was to be a bed sharer, but my husband feared me out of doing it. When we do sleep together he wiggles and wakes more often? I’m torn on which is better. Him touching me but both of us sleeping less or him in the sidecar not touching me and us sleeping longer? Also, if I nurse him side lying he spits up a lot and gets gassy, possibly from a poorer latch. Should I leave him in the current sleeping arrangement or bring him into bed with me? ):

  3. Sasha says:

    I just so happened to stumble upon this today, the day my husband and i decided to “sleep train.” Both of us have been against this because it just didn’t feel natural for us. But we’ve had sooo much external pressure to get her to sleep on her own and through the night. She’s been sleeping with us for nine months perfectly fine. I’m so happy I came across this today. Where can i find more support for this?

  4. Nina says:

    So excited for this next episode, but it doesn’t play very well. It’s not yet on iTunes or my podcast app. Help?

    • Can you tell me what you mean “doesn’t play very well” so I can try to fix the problem? This episode will be released on iTunes and podcast apps everywhere on June 19th.

      • Nina says:

        Thanks Rachel! I can wait until then. What I mean is the recording stops playing as if it’s buffering. I can get it to start again, but then the same thing keeps happening. I’ll look forward to the 19th!
        Thanks for your podcast. It’s my absolute fav.

        • Hmmmm, that’s no good. I just tried the playback and skipped around on my computer and cell phone and didn’t have that problem. I totally believe you though. I wonder why that’s happening.

          Oh thank you so much!

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I work from an island in the Pacific Northwest, where I live wild and free in connection with my hilarious husband and three growing sailors in our fixer upper on the beach. I authentically live this healing work out loud raising my own neurodivergent family (inner child included) and draw on my decades of education and experience (I've done all the nerdy work so you don't have to) to guide a revolution of overwhelmed parents just like you to feeling at peace within yourself, consciously connected with your children, embraced by a supportive community, and enjoying a values-aligned life you love.

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