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“Ceremony is the point in time when we all know it’s time to stop . . . and honor something or someone. Ceremony is the time and the place. And ritual, those are the elements within ceremony that get us deeper, that actually encourage us to pause and find meaning. So the elements of ritual: things like symbolism, the activation of the senses . . . all of those things get us to here, now, which then helps us with the other element—what is the story underneath the story?”
Magdalena Garcia
This is episode 95 and today I’m here with Magdalena Garcia talking about Ceremony.
Mother, Educator, Writer, Birth Story Listener, Parenting Coach and Ceremony Facilitator
Magdalena García supports parental mental and emotional health by focusing on the mindset, strategies and symbolic ways mothers and fathers can tend to their Inner Lives so they can tend to the Inner Lives of their children.
Magdalena combines her own experience of motherhood with a Masters in Education, a Bachelors in Psychology and 25 years working in schools serving hundreds of children and their families to help parents create, nurture and repair their relationships with their children. She is a highly trained listener as both a Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor and a trained Birth Story Listener.
She has a special interest in how the use of metaphor, image tending, artmaking, ritual, ceremony and our relationship with the non-human world can help us prepare for, navigate, recover from and integrate the emotionally challenging thresholds we encounter in becoming parents and over and over again as our children develop.
Her latest endeavor is Circles and Bridges, a movement to care for the minds, hearts and spirits of parents. With Circles and Bridges, she is committed to creating spaces where parents can grieve fully, celebrate fiercely and calibrate constantly on their journey of parenthood.
Born in New Mexico, Magdalena Consuelo is the child of Mary Adela and Michael Joseph. She is of mixed ancestry with longstanding roots in the southwestern region of what is now called the United States as well as the Ohio River Valley with ties to Mexico, Spain, England and Ireland.
Religion Gap: We walk through how to reclaim ceremony and make it ours in a way that aligns with our values.
Tools: We share tools to help us prepare for, navigate, recover from, and integrate emotionally challenging thresholds we encounter as parents.
Birthdays: We cover what it might look like to accept the invitation of birthdays to look back and forward so we can calibrate towards needs and roles.
Transitions: We address how we can support social and developmental transitions with ceremony.
Birth: We discuss how we can use ceremony to heal and honor our own matresence.
Teenagers: We talk about the ongoing work of blessing and releasing our children in adolescence.
Holidays: We share some meaningful holiday ceremonies for inspiration.
Help with Ceremony
This conversation with Magdalena actually has a lot of visual value, so I strongly recommend watching it, which you can do alongside an inspiring and supportive community of mothers inside the Sage Family Village.
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Guide for Navigating the Thresholds of Parenting
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