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This is episode 22 and today I’m here with Akilah Richards talking about liberation.
Akilah is an unschooling podcaster, consultant, and founding board member of The Alliance for Self-Directed Education. Her work explores privilege and power in our relationships with children, and centers the voices of BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) raising free people at raisingfreepeople.com.
Adventure of the Week
I share our big adventure to Northern California and in particular our experience touring Alcatraz.
History: We share some historical context around how the compulsory school system was created in no small part as a tool of oppression.
Oppression: We talk about how mainstream schools are oppressing people today.
Deschooling: Then we really get excited moving into how we can get out from under these paradigms during our deschooling process.
Access: We speak to the subtext of homeschooling being a privilege and tackle how we can push through barriers, both philosophical and practical, to break free.
Unschooling: We move into the solution and share what it can look like to live and learn with your children as free people.
Parenting: We go over how we can move toward liberation in our parenting – in our relationships with our children.
We tackle this question from Janne: “How, as a white family, can we support and ally the liberation of unschooling families of color, especially from afar, as I live rurally in a town without many POC?”
Dive Deeper
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The Underground History of American Education
4 Ways White People Can Support Black People in the Unschooling World Without Being Intrusive
Fare of the Free Child Podcast: A podcast centering the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color immersed in or exploring unschooling and other forms of raising free people work.
Parenting Patois: a webinar for us to be begin unpacking and re-routing privilege and power in our relationships with our children.
How to Focus on Learning Webinar: Learn 10 key terms for supporting a self-directed learner.
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