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“In the matter of minutes, I said hello and goodbye to her. The normal birth, life, death process was put right side by side.”
Magdalena Garcia
This is episode 101 and today I’m here with Magdalena Garcia talking about pregnancy loss.
Magdalena Garcia supports parental mental and emotional health by focusing on the mindset, strategies and symbolic ways mothers and fathers can tend to their Inner Lives so they can tend to the Inner Lives of their children.
Types: We walk through the different types of pregnancy loss and the statistics around them.
Impacts: We discuss what impacts how we experience pregnancy loss.
Personal Experience: We share our experiences with pregnancy loss.
Support: We go over what kinds of support can be helpful.
Future Challenges: We speak to the kinds of challenges that can come up in our next pregnancy or in parenting our other children and how we can address them.
Partner Difference: We cover navigating the often very different grief journeys between partners.
Honoring: We address how we can honor the loss moving forward throughout our lives.
One of the things we emphasize during this conversation is the need for support in healing around pregnancy loss. The grief we can experience as we move through it in the present and attempt to integrate it as part of our story moving forward is complex, particularly in a culture that doesn’t hold space for it. But there are people who can. You can reach me at and you can reach Magdalena at
Dive Deeper
Navigating Matrescence when Loss is part of the Landscape
Sage Family Podcast 95: Ceremony
My post on Miscarriage: Grieving and Healing After Pregnancy Loss
My post on Miscarriage: One Year After Pregnancy Loss
TFMR (Termination For Medical Reasons)
PILSC (Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Center)
Share (Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support)
Sister’s in Loss (a community for Black women around pregnancy loss and infertility)
H.A.N.D (Helping After Neo-natal Death)
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