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Breastfeeding with Joy MacTavish


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Today I’m here with my friend Joy MacTavish talking about Breastfeeding on the natural path: on cue, at night, in public, and full term.

Joy MacTavish, MA, IBCLC, RLC supports families with lactation, babywearing, and gentle parenting practices through her business, Sound Beginnings. She lives with her family in a multi-generational home in Shoreline, Washington where they enjoy reading, LEGO, exploring, and impromptu science experiments.

Adventure of the Week

This week we played in an indoor playground, which is as a general rule I’m not a huge fan of, but it was a fun time exploring a new place. Then I talk about one of the easy ways we weave adventure into our everyday (spoiler alert: new parks on the way home).


On Cue: We cover the value of breastfeeding on cue and the systems at play around it.

Night Nursing: We lay out realistic expectations for meeting baby’s 24-hour needs.

In Public: We dive into what’s behind the cultural clusterfuck that sets up so many breastfeeding women to fail and how to join in the movement to shift the cultural tide and support a breastfeeding woman and baby’s right to exist in public society.

Full-Term: We go over the species norm for breastfeeding duration and some of the benefits to walking a full-term breastfeeding path.

Weaning: We talk about what natural weaning looks like, how to honor your needs and set boundaries, and how to nudge your little one down that weaning path gently if you feel the need.

Bonus content for Patrons

Misconceptions: We tumble around together with a heap of common misconception including:

  • You won’t have enough milk.
  • It’ll hurt.
  • Teething necessitates weaning.
  • Starting solids means stopping nursing.
  • 1 year is the ideal time to wean a baby.
  • Bottle feeding, formula, or solid foods means more sleep.
  • Because it’s natural it will be easy.
  • It will be hard.
  • You can’t eat certain foods while breastfeeding.
  • Pumping shows you what you are producing.
  • Larger breasts produce more milk.
  • A breastfeeding mother can never consume alcohol.
  • You have to quit breastfeeding to take medication.
  • Baby has acid reflux if they cry, spit up, or don’t sleep through the night.
  • Night nursing causes cavities.

We tackle the tricky question of what to do if your partner is uncomfortable with breastfeeding. My snark gets the better of me.

Dive Deeper

Disclosure: When I recommend a product that I believe will add value for you, it may contain an affiliate link. When you click the link to make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

Sound Beginnings

Sage Breastfeeding Book

Sweet Sleep Book

Kelly Mom

The Big Letdown Book

Sage Sleep Book

Sage Sleep Coaching

San Diego Breastfeeding Center

Breastfeeding and Alcohol

Breastfeeding and Alcohol 2

Infant Risk

Mommy Meds

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